As Seen In

I'm a FINALIST in Allure's 2013 Beauty Blogger of the Year Awards!!!  This has truly been an incredible experience!  Thank you Allure for putting my blog on this amazing platform.  
Dream. Come. True.

I hosted a major beauty event 'The Makeup Date' at Bloomingdales in Short Hills, NJ!

This was the store signage!

Allure Magazine's Beauty Enthusiasts August Newsletter.  That's me on the left :)

This was an incredible experience!  Love Allure Magazine - AKA my beauty bible!

Beauty Chat with Allure Magazine at the HBA Global Expo in NYC

Allure Goodies

Allure - My Beauty Bible

Allure's Beauty Blogger of the Year Awards

Allure Beauty Enthusiasts - A day at Allure Magazine's Headquarters (Conde Naste Building)

Uncurly's Official Website

Emma Jean Cosmetics Website