I'm so honored and excited to have made it to round 2 of the Pacifica Muse Contest! For this round, Pacifica asked us to think of a woman in history that inspired us and recreate her look or essence using Pacifica products. I had to go with my heart on this one! While my choice isn't the most obvious, i was completely influenced by Carolyn Bessette Kennedy's style. She's a timeless beauty whose life was cut way too short! While sadly, the world didn't get to see her story unfold, i hope to keep her amazing style legacy alive with this little video! I hope you enjoy watching it as much as i enjoyed creating it. Voting starts TODAY! It would mean the world if you took the time to vote for me by visiting PacificaMuse.com! Voting is simple! Just visit the site and click 'vote' under my video! That's it! You can vote three times a day for the next week to decide who moves on to the next round! Your support means the world and i thank you in advance for helping on this little dream of mine!
Thank you so much for taking the time to watch (and hopefully vote)! Xoxo, Carla - FMM
Voting! Love so much!