If you've kept up with my blog for a while, certainly you've learned that i'm a big fan of multi-tasking products. As a busy mommy of twin girls who works a full time job and maintains a beauty blog, i'll take any 'time saving' products i can get my hands on! I'm so lucky to continuously test and love some amazing multi-taskers that i decided to start a new series here on FMM highlighting some of my favorites! Every week or so, i highlight a product that i'm currently loving that has multiple purposes. I think that this will be helpful to many so i'm very excited to get this thing going! Hope you enjoy!
Today's Multi-Tasking Superstar is Mary Kay's At Play Eye Crayon in Gold Mine! This beauty is extremely versatile and oh so pretty. This eye shadow crayon glides on and packs on the color. This particular color Gold Mine is simply spectacular. While i love wearing it as the obvious... eye shadow, i love to use it for other purposes too. This pretty little crayon makes a gorgeous highlighter too! Check out all the places i love to use it in...
So let's chat...what did you think of this week's multi-tasking super star? Have you tried it?
Thank you SO MUCH for reading! XOXO, Carla - FMM
*This product was gifted to me when i attended the People Style Watch photo shoot for Mary Kay's Fall Collection which you can read about here. All opinions are my own.
Thanks! xo